Symptom Specific Relief
The only fully bonded true wholeplant symptom specific 100% plant capsules with a decade of demonstrated results and recovery testimonials.
Millions Consumed.
Recommended by Health Professionals Hundreds of Times.
Years of Testimonials. Now Available Nationwide.

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Our Experts Explain
What is the secret behind RCM meds?
Though Cannabis Medicine has been legalized in many U.S. states for over a decade, and the CBD Farm Bill was passed in 2018, federal law prevents THC concentrations greater than .3% to cross state borders. Manufacturers isolate cannabinoids before production to more easily meet these Federal regulations.
Isolating or fracturing Cannabinoid molecules greatly restricts absorption and eliminates almost all potential endocannabinoid system benefits. As such, predictable symptom relief options as the cannabis industry had long promised, have simply not been available to the public at a national level.
Almost a decade of development under a state medical program, with the feedback of thousands of clients, the RCM crew pioneered a method to retain cannabis' molecularly bonded 'entourage effect' benefits, without isolating its components.
Equally as important, it was discovered absorption could be greatly improved by this original molecular retention, allowing much greater benefits from more realistic and lower dosage levels. With this improved absorption, and a powdered stable format, THC content naturally falls in adherence with federal guidelines, making these symptom-specific capsules a first in actually effective, consistently absorbed, pharmaceutical grade and available, cannabis medicine.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.