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FREE 24CT with 60CT order & a Google Review

Help others hear that there are safer, time proven, healing alternatives available.

Receive a free 24 Count Bottle of your choice, with an order for any 60 Count, after leaving a positive testimonial review on Google Maps for Real Cannabis Medicine Co. in Portland ME.

Help spread the news of alternative safer plant medicines!

How to leave a Google Maps Review for Real Cannabis Medicine Co. in under 2 minutes:

First time leaving a google maps review?

Don't worry- we got you covered. You can even text us for help (207)-671 8387.

Here are the steps below. If don't have a google ID, its quick and easy to get one, it will prompt you thru, once signed in, which just takes a minute or two, can leave a review. Send any questions, thanks for helping to spread the word!

1. Enter Google Maps in the search bar on your phone's internet page or on your PC

2. Click or Tap on Google Maps listing when it appears in your search list to open Google Maps. It will likely be at the top of the list.

3. When Google Maps opens, you will see a search bar at the top. Tap or click in this box and type Real Cannabis Medicine Co Portland ME, and hit search, go, or enter on a keyboard or phone

4. A new page or column will open listing Real Cannabis Medicine Co. Scroll down slowly, you will see some stars, and few reviews, and below that a button you can click to "write a review"

5. you may be asked to sign into your google account or to create a google account name before leaving a review.

Follow the prompts, even if forgot password to an old gmail account, pretty easy to get signed in. You may enter a different or altered name for privacy if preferred.

6. once signed in or if signed in already, once you click or select "write a review" a new window opens and you can leave a review!

We'd really love it if you had a five star experience with SKMS medicines. But much more importantly it really helps get the word out to people who really need it. The internet is amazing, but without reviews pushing SEO tracking to other people, we're just another bird squawking in the jungle!

So.... Could you or someone you love benefit from some better Sleep? (who couldn't...)

Safer, more effective, non addictive, inflammation reducing REAL pain relief?

Maybe some help calming and guiding the anxiety?

Or maybe looking for more systemic healing that plant meds can address with greater safety and effectiveness than pharma?

We're here to help and spread the message. Its what keeps us going.

Thanks so much for finding us and we are so thankful to have a positive influence on so many lives. Let's spread the message further!

RCM Staff January 25th, 2023

Portland Maine since 2014

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