Lawmakers thought they were talking about Hemp, but really carved a whole in the Controlled Substance Act. #cannabislegalization #controlledsubstanceact #medicinalcannabis
In 2018 Federal Lawmakers voted to allow hemp production nationwide, but just 38 states actually allow access to Medical cannabis, and 24 to Recreational.
But in 2024 a drive thru many "not legal" states might look surprisingly the opposite. THC content vape cartridges and gummies advertised openly. Consumers stating there is little difference in effect between markets for some products like vape carts.

This all pivots on the production of Hemp being legal, and the actual legality of THC being based on substances not exceeding 0.3% THC by weight - of a given gummy, vape oil or other product.
THC content by weight became a marker which does not prevent ingestion or inhaling of THC content products, but challenges manufacturers to create a format which meets the content requirements, yet still delivers the consumer's pursuit of sufficient THC content.
In "non legal" markets, this consumer pursuit is often the simple ingestion or inhalation of THC. While this may provide a small degree of access to safer medicine, by and large it promotes consumption for its own sake and encourages the production of questionable products by green rush manufacturers- a point which has not escaped the DEA or conservative minds in Washington.
At this time, with lawmakers discussing functional legalization, and federal advisors recommending policy changes, it is at best very unlikely THC content or the Farm Bill will be amended. For those living in "not legal" states this does hopefully bolster confidence in purchasing medicines which are effective and available ..legally nationwide!

SKMS and the Real Cannabis Medicine Co. were approached by federal regulators and banks in 2021, encouraging national distribution of SKMS long history of doctor prescribed cannabis medicines, in a quickly growing online market. In 2022 the RealCannabis Medicine Co. went live online, shipping nationwide, order with a credit card, with normal online processing.
For more questions about your symptoms, or how cannabis meds may provide safer or more effective relief, hit up the nationally recognized expertise at the SKMS staff below!
RCM Co. Staff
Portland Maine July 15th, 2024
O. 207.544.6744